Saturday, April 6, 2013

Update #1!

Hey everybody! I hope you enjoyed my review for "Evil Dead" which was released in theaters this past Friday, April 5th. If you haven't read it yet....well.....go read it! It's pretty insightful. Well, at least I think so. :P Anyways, I'll be posting updates regularly on the page to let you know what's coming up with game, movie, and anime reviews! Every week, I'll review one movie (old or new, depending on the weekly release), one game, and one anime (series OR film) which will all follow a general theme. Whether that theme is horror, drama, or something more specific like "cabin in the woods" type films, will obviously vary. This week, April 7th-13th, is Assault On Your Senses Week! I'll be reviewing Cabin in the Woods, God of War: Ascension, and the terrifying Another!

I hope you guys are looking forward to these reviews as much as I look forward to writing them! The site will also look a lot cleaner in the upcoming weeks!

Thanks a ton!

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